Prairie Farms Lactose Free Milk

8g protein per cup. 100% Lactose free milk. Homogenized, Gluten free. Excellent source of calcium good source of protein. Vitamin D, ultra Pasteurized. Vitamin D. Farmer owned. Real whole milk without the worry of lactose intolerance. Farmer-owned Prairie Farms Dairy has provided the freshest, highest quality dairy products and beverages since 1938. Considering a variety of dietary needs, Prairie Farms Lactose Free Milk is real milk, just without the lactose. Our Lactose Free Milk is made with only the freshest ingredients and provides the same nine essential nutrients as regular milk. Great Tasting and Easy to Digest: Our Whole Milk is 100% Lactose Free and looks and tastes just like regular milk! We use only natural enzymes to break down lactose into easier to digest sugars, so you can still enjoy drinking milk or cooking with d in all of your family’s favorite recipes without causing stomach discomfort or digestive problems. 100% Real Milk, Just Without the Lactose. Excellent source of calcium. Good source of protein and Vitamin D. Our lawn families work hard every day caring for their animals and the land so that we can bring you fresh, great-tasting, wholesome and nutritious dairy products. Our commitment to delivering quality products to your family begins with a pledge from our farm families not to treat their cows with artificial growth hormones. (The FDA has determined that no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from artificial growth hormone treated and non-artificial growth hormone treated cows). You can take comfort in knowing the milk that comes from our farms is produced with integrity and care. Locally owned, Locally produced, Since 1938. Processed and packaged at location stamped above. No artificial growth hormones (The FDA has determined that no significant difference has been shown between milk derived from artificial growth hormones treated and non-artificial growth hormones treated cows). Certified Sourcing: Sustainable forestry initiative. SFI-01638. Pure-pak Elopak. Recyclable.